The Vanguard Conservative Magazine

The Vanguard Conservative is a new magazine created pre-Covid with its Premiere Issue, but focused online during Covid's duration. Now the VC is moving forward with four quarterly issues, which will increase to eventually monthly as the market demands. The concept is to re-define the political narrative of African Americans and (2 Special Issues) for Hispanic that now make up the majority of the population in America. By reaching this market with the truth of its core principles and values that has in the past, been overlooked, and at worse disrespected, will have a chance to compete for a diversified party of inclusion and subsequently their votes, which could lead to victories within all three legislative branches of power in the U.S.

Vanguard Conservative Magazine $18.00 ORDER NOW:
Receive your 4 Quarterly Issues. Thanks for support! God Bless!

The Black Republican Magazine

The Black Republican is a new magazine created to re-define the American political narrative of African American views. The African American voting power is one that presently can be the deciding factor as to what party wins in Congress and the White House. By reaching and engaging in a serious manner, this untapped voting base which has been dominated by the Democrats, Conservatives can garner a huge percentage of their votes, due to the fact that African Americans are more conservative in values than in liberalism. When the GOP engages with African Americans in a serious and respectful manner in the truth of its core principles and values that has in the past, been overlooked, and at minimum, disrespected, the GOP will have a chance to compete for a diversified party of inclusion and subsequently their votes, which could lead to victories within all three legislative branches of power in the U.S.This magazine will provide the necessary overview. Support us in this critical venture to win a substantial percentage of the African American vote and participation, thus winning all branches of legislative power.

The price is $18.00 (International Orders add $6 for S/H)

ORDER NOW: Receive your copy every month

Thanks for your support and God Bless You!

The Black Republican $18.00 ORDER NOW:
Receive your 6 Bi-Monthly Issues. Thanks for support! God Bless!

The Hispanic Republican Magazine

Just as with the The Black Republican, the Hispanic Republican is a new magazine created to re-define the American political narrative of Hispanic views. The Hispanic voting power is also one that presently can be the deciding factor as to what party wins in Congress and the White House. By reaching and engaging in a serious manner, this untapped voting base which has been dominated by the Democrats, Conservatives can garner a huge percentage of their votes, due to the fact that Hispanics too, are more conservative in values than in liberalism. When the GOP engages with Hispanics in a serious and respectful manner in the truth of its core principles and values that has in the past, been overlooked, and at minimum, disrespected, the GOP will have a chance to compete for a diversified party of inclusion and subsequently their votes, which could lead to victories within all three legislative branches of power in the U.S.This magazine will provide the necessary overview. Support us in this critical venture to win a substantial percentage of the Hispanic vote and participation, thus winning all branches of legislative power.

The price is $18.00 (International Orders add $6 for S/H)

ORDER NOW: Receive your copy every month

Thanks for your support and God Bless You!

The Hispanic Republican $18.00 ORDER NOW:
Receive your 6 Bi-Monthly Issues. Thanks for support! God Bless!


The Collection consist of The Vanguard Conservative, The Black Republican and The Hispanic Republican. Buy all three of these important and invaluable sources of information to create a party of Americans united along the values of the Christian Conservative Republcan banner. We have more in common than we think, and we are in busines to share such information and ideas to form a much more potent party base. The total price for all three is $39.80. Thanks for support! God Bless!


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